Answered By: Lindsey Shively
Last Updated: Jul 12, 2023     Views: 364

Books are arranged on the shelves at the DVC Library according to the Library of Congress classification system.

You can check which books are available at the DVC Library using OneSearch. Books at both the Pleasant Hill and San Ramon campus libraries are listed in OneSearch.

If you need help finding a book, you can Ask a Librarian for help. The video at the bottom of this page (made by another college) explains how books get arranged on the library shelves using Library of Congress classification system.

Books are all listed in OneSearch with a campus location (Pleasant Hill or San Ramon) and a location in the library (such as Stacks), as well as the checkout period which you may have the book for.

At Pleasant Hill campus library, books marked Stacks can be found are located throughout the main part of the library.

The PHC Library also has books shelved in special locations in the library:

  • DVC - Pleasant Hill - Reference - located next to the Reference and Research desk near the Information Commons computer lab
  • DVC - Pleasant Hill - Reserves - textbooks and books used for current classes and have a more limited checkout period than regular books. These can be found at the Circulation and Reserves Desk opposite the entrance to the library. 3-hour reserve books are for library use only, and 1-day reserve books may be taken outside of the library.
  • DVC - Pleasant Hill - Graphic Novels & Comics - a collection of graphic novels and comics located near the center of the library on the first large set of stacks shelving.
  • DVC - Pleasant Hill - ESL Collection - a collection of easy-to-read and popular books and graphic novels located near the Graphic Novel collection.

At San Ramon campus library, you can find books in several locations:

  • SRC - San Ramon Library Stacks
  • SRC - San Ramon Library Graphic Novels
  • SRC - San Ramon Library Picture Books
  • SRC - San Ramon Library Display

You may borrow books from each of the above locations for three weeks.

SRC - San Ramon Library Reserves are textbooks and books used for current classes and have a more limited checkout period than regular books. These books are kept at the SRC library desk. You can borrow them for 3 hours to use in the library only.


Library Hours